Weight management for women | top 10 tips to lose weight

Weight management for women

 Top 10 tips to lose weight

For losing weight it might seem that diet and exercise are the key components to lose weight but there are a lot of other factors which play a significant role when it comes weight loss. Please follow these top 10 tips to lose weight.

In fact, according to the research everything from sleep quality to stress level can have major impact on body weight and belly fat.

The good news is, by following few small steps in your daily routine big benefits can be achieved, in terms of losing weight.

According to Dr Ashfaq Khan, Gynaecologist from London Harley Street Gynaecology  and NHS consultant, “Inappropriate weight can lead to inappropriate amount or duration of Period bleeding . Too much and too less Body weight can cause very irregular period. It is well known that weight gain associated with PCOS  cause irregular vaginal bleeding , spotting or sometimes total absence of period.”

Top 10 tips to lose weight

  1. Reduce refined carbs

Refined carbs are usually processed extremely as a result they contain low amount of fiber and micronutrients. Using extreme amount of refined carbs in daily diet, can result in blood sugar spike, food craving. Moreover, these foods are directly associated with increased body weight and belly fat.

  1. Resistance training

Resistance training increases endurance while building muscle.

Resistance training tend to have more effect on the women over 50, mainly due to the high intensity of calorie burn at rest. It also helps preserve bone minerals density to protect Osteoporosis.

Lifting weights, using gym equipment, or performing body-weight exercises are few simple ways to get started.

  1. Increasing the amount of water intake

Increasing the amount of water intake can be an easy and effective way to start losing weight effortlessly.

Research shows that, calorie burn can be increased by 30% just by drinking 500 ml water. Moreover, the consumption of calorie can be increased by 13% just by drinking water before a meal.

  1. Adding more protein into diet

Proteins like meat, poultry, seafood, egg, dairy and legumes are an important aspect of a healthy diet, especially when it comes to lose weight. High protein diet can result in cutting cravings, increase the feelings if fullness and boost metabolism. A study shows that, in a 12-week time frame, just by increasing protein by 15%, daily calorie intake can be reduced by 441 calories—resulting in 11 pounds’ weight loss.

  1. Fixed sleep schedule

Getting enough sleep is just as crucial as going to the gym or maintaining a balanced diet. Multiple research shows that, sleep deprivation is directly related to increased body weight and linked to produce higher levels of ghrelin (the hormone responsible for stimulating hunger).

  1. Increasing the amount of Cardio

Aerobic AKA cardio exercise increases heart rate as a result burns extra calories.

Adding more cardio to your daily routine can result in significant weight loss – especially when combined with a healthy diet. It is recommended that you should aim for at least 20-40 minutes of cardio per day or around 150-300 minutes per week.

  1. Keeping a food journal

Using a food journal to keep the track of food habit is an easy way to make healthier choices. By maintaining a food journal keeping the count of calories becomes easier as well. If you are setting an aim to hit a certain goal in terms of your food habit, keeping a food journal can help you with that as well.

  1. Adding more fiber in your diet.

When the goal is to reduce wait, adding more fiber to your diet chart is one of the most significant way. Adding more fiber in food is a common strategy to help slow the emptying of your stomach and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Without making any changes to diet or lifestyle, increasing dietary fiber intake by 14 grams per day has been associated with a 10% decrease in calorie intake and 4.2 pounds of weight loss over 3.8 months.

  1. Practicing mindful eating

Mindful eating means minimizing external destructions during meal. Trying eating slowly and focusing your attention on how food tastes, looks, smells and feels. This practice initiates healthier habits and a powerful tool for increasing weight loss.

  1. Snack smarter

Snacking smart may sound like a silly thing to do, but it really can help you to lose weight in the long run. A great way to start is to choose snacks that are high in protein and fiber to promote fullness and curb cravings.


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