Most common causes of infertility

common causes of infertility

Most common causes of infertility

Infertility is mostly caused by lots of different reasons, the regular monthly release of your egg. Some problems stop an egg released at all, while some

If you're having troubles conceiving, you aren't together; around one in seven partners has this difficulty.

Infertility is often regarded as a female matter, but in reality in one third of cases for the reason that of male problems, like a low sperm fertility. In some cases you might need to run some tests in a gynaecological clinic. Around 25% causes of infertility remain unknown. 

What are the common causes of infertility?


common causes of infertility in women

 Conditions impacting on a woman's fertility range from:

  •  harm to the fallopian tubes
  • ovulatory problems
  • endometriosis
  • conditions influencing the uterus
  • a combo of factors
  • no identifiable reason.

Other factors which may play a role include:

  • age - feminine fertility declines sharply following the age group of 35
  • Polycystic Ovary Symptoms (PCOS)
  • gynaecological problems such as past ectopic being pregnant or having possessed several miscarriage
  • medical ailments such as diabetes, epilepsy, and thyroid and colon diseases
  • lifestyle factors such as stress, carrying excess fat or underweight, and smoking.


common causes of infertility in men


  • Conditions which may bring about infertility include:
  • low sperm fertility or quality
  • issues with the tubes transporting sperm
  • problems getting an erection
  • problems ejaculating.
  • Other factors which could play a role in infertility include:
  • having had swollen testes (orchitis)
  • a past infection that induced scarring and clogged pipes within the epididymis as it joins the vas
  • having received treatment such as medications, radiotherapy or surgery - for example to improve a hernia, undescended testes or twisted testicles
  • genetic problems
  • diabetes
  • lifestyle factors such to be over weight or having employment that involves connection with chemicals or rays.
  • Man fertility is also considered to decline with age group, although from what degree is unclear.
  • prevent an egg released during some cycles however, not others.
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